Wednesday 9 November 2011

The internet of things (IBM)

Fascinating short film about the emergence of data and how the planet has created a central nervous system. DIKW, (Data, information, knowledge, wisdom).

Seeing patterns in the data, society becomes more efficient, less destructive and generate new insights and new form of relations. 

This is called smart design, linking all our communication systems that will help us become more efficient, intelligent and in control.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Cassette tape chandelier - Upcycling

Cassette tapes went the way of vinyl records and rotary phones, but designer Alicia Beck is giving them a second life by upcycling the cartridges into attention-grabbing chandeliers. 

Alicia Beck's work includes her balloon rugs, as well as this new addition to her portfolio. She's known not only for her eye but also because she specialises in up-cycling overlooked odds-and-ends. Her cassette chandeliers would be perfect for an untraditional media room, rec room or even a teen's bedroom. Each one can be made on a rainy afternoon.

Ray Anderson - TED talks (the business logic of sustainability)

I just watched Ray Anderson's 2009 TED talk about his mission for his company, Interface Carpets, to climb Mt Sustainability towards 'mission zero' - zero environmental impact by 2020. 

His inspiring words caught my attention. Here are some quotes from his wonderful speech. 

"The 'take, make, waste', industrial system dominates our civilisation, a major culprit stealing our kids future, by digging up our earth and converting it to products becoming waste".

"The problem is shown with a 'environmental impact equation', a product of population+affluence+technology. Impact by people what they consume in their affluence and how it's produced"

"A=affluence is an end in its self. What if A was a lower case a, = a means to an end, and that end is happiness, more happiness with less stuff, you know that would re frame civilation itself, and our whole system of economics. Living in balance with nature and its natural systems".