Friday, 27 August 2010

Mies van der Rohe - Visions Of Space 1/7 (Less is More)

Mies Van der Rohe* is one of the most important architects of his time. Together with Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright, he has had a profound influence on cityscape's of the 20th century.

The essence of Mies's architectural philosophy is in his famous and sometimes derided phrase, "Less is more." 

This means, he says, having "the greatest effect with the least means." 

Some of the best examples of the less-is-more approach are among the buildings Mies has designed for the Illinois Tech campus—simple, clean-lined constructions of glass ribbed with steel, which well serve their uncomplicated purpose as lighted areas for study. Similarly, his twin glass apartment skyscrapers on Chicago's lakefront make the most of the view

Dieter Rams 'Ten Principles of good design'

Good design is innovative.
Good design makes a product useful.
Good design is aesthetic.
Good design makes a product understandable.
Good design is unobtrusive.
Good design is honest.
Good design is long-lasting.
Good design is thorough down to the last detail.
Good design is environmentally friendly.
Good design is as little design as possible.